메뉴 건너뛰기

1. it’s been proven that hostile language is actually a health hazard. studies show that
people with frequent exposure to hostile language become ill more often, ① are
hurt more often, and have trouble recovering from both sickness and injury. they
even live shorter lives than ② ones with less exposure. but that’s not all, because
these studies also suggest hostile language is just as toxic to the people who use it
as ③ it is to the people who hear it. clearly, then, you’re sure to lead a healthier life
by staying out of arguments altogether, ④ unless of course something major is at
stake. luckily, most people understand that it’s possible to participate in intense
discussions without ⑤ resorting to hostile language.

답 2번 문장 they even live shorter lives than ② ones with less exposure

이 예문에서 답이 2번이 틀렸다는데요. 욕설에 덜 노출된 사람보다 노출된 사람이 더 짧게 산다까지는 이해가 되는데, 무작위 복수 사람을 받으니 ones 하면 안 되는지요? 왜 ones가 틀렸는지 모르겠습니다

좀 알려주세요~

when my children were young, our family didn’t have much money. in fact, we had to work hard to save enough just ① to buy basics like peanut butter and diapers. obviously, taking vacations was out of the question. but what i didn’t realize was that we still ② could have taken our own kind of “vacation.” years later, i read an article in a magazine about a family that designated one day a week as “vacation day” and decorated one room in the house as their “destination spot.” i really wish i ③ thought of that for my kids. i could have made fake passports for them and ④ given them stamps for each destination. after all, where you go doesn’t always matter ⑤ as much as who you go with.

답 3번 문장 i really wish i ③ thought of that for my kids.

이 문장에서 답은 3번인데요. 답지가 없어서 제가 생각한게 답이 맞는지 좀 알려주세요.
i wish 구문이 왔고, 아이들을 위해 그걸 생각했더라면 이라는 과거 사실의 반대가 와야하므로 과거완료 had thought가 오면 되는지요?

earl s. tupper first encountered plastic during his job with a chemical company that ① had been developing plastics prior to world war ii. he was fascinated by this newly invented substance but was too poor ② to purchase a sample to work with. so tupper asked his supervisor if there was any waste material he could take home. he was able to obtain a piece of polyethylene slag, a by-product of the oil refining process ③ conducting at the factory. by purifying the slag, tupper discovered how to mold ④ it and created sturdy, light-weight containers. later, he made special airtight lids for his containers by copying the design of paint can lids. in 1938, tupper ⑤ founded the tupperware plastics company, and by 1946 his products were being sold to the public in department stores.
*slag 용재

답 3번 문장 he was able to obtain a piece of polyethylene slag, a by-product of the oil refining process ③ conducting at the factory.

이 문제에서 답은 3번이라는데요. 분사 conducted형이 와야 맞는거지요? 답지가 없어서 제가 맞는지 좀 알려주세요~
scientists know that life ① has existed in earth’s oceans for morefor more than three billion
years. however, just where the billions upon billions of tons of water in the world’s
oceans came from is still unknown. according to the available evidence, it seems
② to condense out of the atmosphere of the early earth, but scientists can’t figure
out for sure how it got there. the most popular theory is ③ that water was brought
to earth by comets and meteors that collided with our planet. these astronomical
bodies contain large concentrations of water, which ④ would have been left behind
after a collision. in fact, tiny meteors continue to hit earth all the time, ⑤ adding
more water to our oceans.

답 2번 문장 it seems ② to condense out of the atmosphere of the early earth, but scientists can’t figure
out for sure how it got there

2번 문장이 틀렸다는데 to have condensed 이렇게 투 부정사의 시제가 더 과거 이기 때문에 과거형을 써야 맞는건지요?
답지가 없어서 제 해설이 맞는지 확신이 없어서요. 아시는 분들 꼭 답변 좀 부탁드립니다.

번호 제목 글쓴이 날짜
151891 도와주세용 thanks 와 thank you의차이 초시계 2022.07.17
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151866 선생님ㅎㅎ 한문장 해석 부탁드릴게요^^ 여우비 2022.07.17
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151855 up until this time, 해석해주세요 바나나 2022.07.16
» 능률 상승에서 문법문제 4문제 질문 있습니다!! 얀별 2022.07.16
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2022-07-16 23:04:50
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