답변을 얻은 뒤 반드시 감사의 덧글을 남기고, 좋은 답변은 채택해 주시는 센스...
질문할 때 예의를 지키시기 바랍니다.(빨리... 고수분만..... 이런 식의 요구는 자제 바랍니다.)
질문 내용 :
독해 부탁드려요...ㅜㅠㅜㅜ
The Finnish mobile-phone manufacturer that had once been able to comfortably claim that its distinctive ringtone was the most listened-to melody in the history of music is watching its dominance go up in smoke.
Read more: http://www.time.com/time/magazine/article/0,9171,2062416,00.html#ixzz1Lcpkkran
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2022-07-13 04:26:12