이런거 올려도되나;;
안되면 삭제요청이나 삭제해주세요;ㅠ
아나; 해석과제인데;
정말 너무너무 모르겠어요ㅠ
아무리 문장요소를 뜯어보아도;ㅠ
도대체가 답이 나오질 않아요;
일단 내용은 지역사회상담 과 관계된 내용인데
한번 보고나 가세요;ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ
내용은 중간 중간 찝은건데요;ㅠㅠmodel outreach programs
요건 소챕터 제목인데; 뭔지 당췌 해석이;ㅠ
큰챕터는 outreach to vulnerable populations입니다.
however, before moving to a discussion of these programs, please consider again
the equation presented earlier in this chapter. by keepng this equation in mind,
you will note that all those involved in the following programs needed to strengthen their
denominator values(coping skills, self-esteem, social support, and personal power) to withstand
the negative forces in the numerator. thus, what thefollowing programshave in common,
and part ofthe reason for their success,is that they combine timely intervention
with a clear focus on the denominatof values.
이게 한 문단이구요;ㅠㅠ 끊어읽기가 넘 힘들고;ㅠㅠ 무슨 비유같은데;ㅠㅠ
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