modern civilization has been lucky so far, in [what / that] the crises it has had to deal with have been the kind that we can solve with money. both the american and the japanese depressions were cured by higher government spending and liquidity. true, it took a while before the solutions arrived, and both depressions [might have ended / ended] sooner if policymakers had used the right tools from the outset, or acted more quickly. however, in the end the japanese and u.s. economies still survived. and perhaps it was lucky that the solutions took hold before the damage became too great, and the entire civilization had begun to settle. it was also lucky that their examples prepared us well for dealing with the technology crash of 2000. [had it / it had] not been for that quick addition of liquidity, the aftermath could have been far worse. *liquidity (자산의) 유동성
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