indeed, most people claim they are above average in any positive trait you name: leadership, sophisticaation, athletic prowess, managerial ability, even driving skill. they rationalize the boast by searching for an aspect of the trait that they might in fact be good at. they slow drives say they are above average in safety, while the fast ones say that they are above average in reflexes. more generally, we delude ourselves about how benevolent and how effective we are. everyone has heard of reducing cognitive dissonanace, in which people invent a new opinion to resolve a contradiction in their minds. cognitive dissonanace is always triggered by obvious evidence that you are not as beneficent and effective as you would like people to think.
the urge to reduce it is the urge to
정답은, make up your self-serving story. 입니다.
저는 오답으로 accept the reality of the situation. 를 골랐는데요.
해석을 보면, 그것(인지적 불협화음)을 줄이라고 하는 권고는 ~~에 대한 권고이다. 라고 할때, 앞의 reduce it 과 내용이
같은것을 골라야 하는거 아닌가요?
찾아보니까, 원래 원문에서는 the urge to reduce it is the urge to get your self-serving story straight. 이렇게 되어있더라구요~ get straight은 분명히 하다 라는 뜻으로,
위의 보기 make up 만들다 와는 뉘앙스적으로 보면 반대되는 뜻 아닌가요??
도와주세요 ㅠㅠ