Author , and cross - cultural triner and consultant , L. Robert Kohls suggests that we [1]look at culture as a kind of iceberg, with one part clearly visible above the surface of the water and another , much larger part hidden below .The part above the water can be identified as the surface culture and [2]includes behavior , words , customs , and traditions.In deep waters where no one can see [3]are the deep culture , and it consists of beliefs , values , assumptions , and thought processes. No group can be cohesive without its members [4]sharing a basic consensus in the deeper dimensions of culture .Merely mimicking behavior - [5]such as clothing styles or food preferences - will not hold a group together .1-5 번중 틀린걸 찾는건데요.. 제 생각에는 4번과 5번중에 틀렸다고 생각하는데... 정확히 뭐가 틀렸는지 그 이유가 뭔지 모르겠습니다. 좀 알려주세요 ㅜㅜ