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질문 내용 : Ambady compared those quick judgements of teacher effectiveness with evaluations of those same tistructors made by their sudents after a full semester of classes, and she found that they were alsoessentially the same.
이문장 구문풀이 좀 해주세요. 단순한 해석을 해달라니게 아니라요 저도 해설지가 있으니까요
직독직해? 그니까 말그대로 문장구조를 구문풀이해주에요. 해설지가 의역이 되있으니까 바로 해석이안되요ㅜㅠ
2022-06-24 10:15:10
Ambady compared / those quick judgements of teacher effectiveness / with evaluations of those same tistructors made by their sudents after a full semester of classes, /and she found that they were also essentially the same.
and 앞부분은, 전체적으로 compare A wit