여기서 자료 뽑은 2010년 3월 교육청 문제 문법부분인데요.. 왜 틀린지 몰겠어요 가르쳐주세요 ㅠㅠ
it was mary’s thirteenth birthday. it was also her first birthday at her uncle’s house. everyone brought out gifts for mary: stockings from elena, a purse from steve, and a pair of very old silver earrings from chris, who said she ①had had them since she was a little girl. uncle jack gave a lengthy speech about ②how mary was like a daughter to him and to aunt barbara. and then, he handed her an envelope in ③which was tucked a fifty-dollar bill. mary was to buy ④herself some new clothes with aunt barbara’s help and advice. a miracle! so many presents and so much money all at once made her eyes ⑤shone. she wanted to kiss everybody.
답은 5번인데요.. 5번이 답인줄은어렴풋이(?) 알겠는제 왜 나머지가 아닌지 갈켜주세요.. ㅠㅠ
5번이 틀린이유 : shone -- shined로 바꿔야 하는거 맞나요? ;;