people make purchasing decisions by choosing between alternatives or by rejecting certain options. but a new study in the journal of consumer research finds that focusing on rejecting an option can lead consumers to their preferences. why does this happen? when consumers reject options, they need to decide which alternative they do not want, so they focus on options that are less preferred in order to assess if they should reject those options. this shift of focus makes them more likely to notice appealing features of the initially less preferred option. for example, a newly married couple who prefers an apartment closer to the subway station because of easy access to it, but doesn’t have enough money, was told to select an apartment to ‘reject’: an apartment closer to the subway station or a less expensive one farther from the station. simply instructing them to decide which one they would like to ‘reject’ makes them more likely to choose the less expensive apartment as their place to live in. similarly, those who said they would prefer a less-expensive apartment selected the apartment close to the station. [3점]
① mix ② reverse ③ conceal ④ maintain ⑤ neutralize답은 2번입니다. 위글에 대한 강의를 어떻게 설명해야 하나요?
핵심이 무엇인가요?
댓글 4
비교대상으로 덜 선호되는 옵션을 살펴보다가 어라? 의외로 이런 좋은 점들이 있네 ? 하는 초점이 이동(shift)으로 appealing features를 발견하고는 결국 덜 선호되는 것을 선택하게 된다는 ....반전의 효과같은..
사람이 선택할수 없는 조건(너무 비싼집) 을 만나서 결국 자신의 재정상태에 의해 그걸 포기할수 밖에 없는 상황이 오면 차선택( 역과 멀지만 가격이 싼집)을 할수밖에 업고.그런 과정에서 사람은 차선택한 집에서 appealing.한 특징을 찾으려고 노력하게 된다. 그러면서 선호도가 바뀐다. 뭐 그런 내용 같아요.
선호도가 바뀐다... 대답들 해주셔서 감사합니다.
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