금성교과서 6과 idioms & their origins 에 나오는 내용인데요.
a cock and bull story is likely to be untrue and without any real facts supporting it. there are many sotires about the origin of this idiomm but the most believable one is the following one. stony stratford is a buckinghamshire town located almost exactly halfway between london and birmingham and oxford and cambridge respectively.
여기서 between a and b 가 어디 and 인지...확실치 않은데요... 제가 이해하기론... 앞에 stony strarford라는 마을이 런던과 버밍행의 중간, 그리고 옥스포드와 캠브리지의 중간 각각 이렇게 위치한다는게...맞나요?
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2022-06-12 13:16:42