Quality of life is a main concern for French people. They ①like to spend time with family and friends around the table. A good meal is required to honor friendship as well as business deals. Weekeds are scared, and urban people try to get out of the city as often as possible ②during the summer months. or to the countryside for a picnic. They might even play the French form of bowling. ③While their winter break, many French people ④go skiing in the Alps. As you probably know, ⑤the highest peak in Europe is Mt. Blanc여기서 뭐가 잘못되었는지 알려주시고 바르게 고쳐주세요,,ㅠㅠ왜 답이 그렇게 되는지까지 설명해주시면 더 감사하겠습니다. ㅠㅠ
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2022-06-11 19:35:07