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I was ashamed of myself being not able to speak English well. 난 영어를 잘 할수 없었던 내가 부끄러 웠다. 맞는 문장이죠~~?
I was ashamed of not being able to speak English well.
댓글 수정 삭제
ashamed 라는 형용사가, 위 문맥에서는 조금 어색한 것 같습니다. 단순히 부끄러워하다. 라는 한국말과 동의어로 생각하면 안되겠네요. 영영사전을 찾아보시고, sorry 정도로 바꾸는게 좋겠어요
If you are ashamed, you feel guilty because you believe you have done something wrong or unacceptable.
I was ashamed of not being able to speak English well.