답변을 얻은 뒤 반드시 감사의 덧글을 남기고, 좋은 답변은 채택해 주시는 센스...
질문할 때 예의를 지키시기 바랍니다.(빨리... 고수분만..... 이런 식의 요구는 자제 바랍니다.)
질문 내용 : 1.What is your opinion on the drug laws in your country? Are they too lenient or too strict?2.Have you, or people you know, ever used marijuana?3.Are some drugs less dangerous than others? How can we tell which ones are worse than others?4.How important is it for countries to fight the illegal drug trade?5.What are the laws and penalties regarding usage in your country?6.Do you know anyone who has ever been addicted to drugs? What were the consequences of their addiction?쫌 많긴 한데 그래두 부탁드려여^^ㅋ
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2022-05-20 09:10:12