and so they continued in their old beliefs for nearly two thousand years after
aristarchus had seen and proclaimed the truth. then, just four thousand years ago, copernicus, a polish monk, wrote a book of tremendous importance. he pointed out that the complicated motions of the sun and the planets across the sky could all be very simply explained by supposing that the sun stood still, while the earth and planets revolved round it. while these ideas were still being discussed, galileo, a professor in the university of padua, made a small telescope with his own hands and convinced himself - and also showed to all the world- that things were as compernicus said; the sun did not revolve round the earth.
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번호 | 제목 | 글쓴이 | 날짜 |
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142049 | 선택의문문, 조동사 | 미련곰탱이 | 2022.05.12 |
» | 영어독해해석부탁드립니다. | 슬옹 | 2022.05.12 |
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142042 | you are so fit에서요.. | 블레이 | 2022.05.12 |
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142033 | 영영풀이. | 보미 | 2022.05.12 |
142032 | i wish 가정법 질문 | 큰꽃들 | 2022.05.12 |
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142016 | the 최상급 관련 표현 | 난슬 | 2022.05.12 |
142015 | 독해 부탁해요 | 꽃짱구 | 2022.05.12 |
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142013 | 독해 할때 of 질문이요 !@ | 꽃은별 | 2022.05.12 |
142012 | 관대what의 동사 | 가람 | 2022.05.12 |
2022-05-12 19:43:25