해석좀 부탁합니다,ㅠㅠ 답도요,,ㅎ 그리고 저거 3개 중에서 한개라도 해석이 되면 번호와 함께 해석 한개만이라도 올려주셔도 정말 감사합니다!!ㅠㅠ1.Thereis no form of emotional expression that is more natural of more universal than music. Nations have existed that have been ignorant of sculputure, painting, and architecture, but no nation has ever lacked___________________.A: native handicraftsB: folk songsC: dramatic artD: graceful dancing2. It is our policy not to hire employees unless it is clear that there is a definiteneed for them that will extend far into the future. We follow this policy in an effort to encourage _______________________.A: better customer relationsB: a minimum of absenteeismC: permanency of positionD: speedier employee turnover3. It is only when a man looks at his knowledge from all sides and combines the things he knows by comparing truth that he obtains a complete hold over his knowledge and gets it into his power. A man cannot turn over anything in his mind unless he learns it; he should therefore learn something, but it is only when he has turned it over that he can be said to ____________________.A: be intelligentB: know itC: be broadmindedD: be truthful