메뉴 건너뛰기

When the rental agreement on the original location ended, one of the actors bought a theatre called the Blackfriars, which was located in another part of town. However, many complaints from neighbors and the town council led to the creation of a petition that requested that the acting group move their company out of town. Upset with this news, the actors returned to the original theater, took most of it apart, and then moved the materials across the Thames River to Bankside, where the proceeded to construct the next version of the Globe.

This endeavor, though, did not go so smoothly. The owner of the original Globe Theatre, who had rented it to the actors, took the acting group to court. He wanted the actors to pay for the damage they had done to his building. In the end, however, the actors won the case and continued to construct their newly-acquired theater. Later, the actors split their plays between the original theater and the new Globe.
In 1613, the original Globe Theatre burned to the ground.

영문을 찾아보니 아래 내용이 이치에 맞는 것 같네요.

a 계약 만료, 단순히 한 배우가 b를 삼, b 마을 사람들이 싫어함 그래서 a극장 재료들을 뜯어다가 c에 새로운 글로브 극장 건설

James Burbage purchases Blackfriars and converts it to a theatre. Unable to get permission to open
as a theatre it stands empty.
질문!위 녹색부분 해석이요 ---허가를 얻지 못해극장이 빈상태로 기능을못했다는 말인가요?

번호 제목 글쓴이 날짜
140131 두 문장 해석 좀 부탁드려요~ 아론아브라함 2022.04.30
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140124 해석관련 문장구조 부탁드립니다. 2022.04.30
140123 reflect의 능동.수동 텃골 2022.04.30
140122 금성 3과 에서요 회사원 2022.04.30
140121 어버질문입니다ㅜㅜ 시원 2022.04.30
140120 구동사가 뭐인가요??그리고 단어를외울때 어원을외우는게제일좋은것인가요? 하린 2022.04.30
140119 how +to부정사 질문!!!!!!! 귀염포텐 2022.04.30
140118 영어 고급단계로 나아가기 위한 책좀 추천부탁드립니다. 꽃가을 2022.04.29
140117 being as cheap as they are nowadays,smart phone still requires monthly payment plans, which are quite expensive 쇼코홀릭 2022.04.29
140116 provide와 predict 물티슈 2022.04.29
140115 문장이 맞는지 좀 봐주세요. ^^ 천칭자리 2022.04.29
» Globe Theatre 역사에 대한 해석이요..(애매합니다..) 바람 2022.04.29
140113 선생님들 . He resisted being arrested. 어둠 2022.04.29
140112 독해해석할때질문*^^* 꼬꼬마 2022.04.29
140111 여러분은 어느 것이 더 논리에 맞다고 생각하십니까? 반월 2022.04.29
140110 somewhere의 품사에 대해서 질문드리니다^^ 지나 2022.04.29
140109 help관련 문법 질문요~ 뿌닝 2022.04.29
140108 밑줄 친 부분의 쓰임을 알아봐주세요. 초코향 2022.04.29
140107 more- / -er 비교급 질문입니다. 재넘이 2022.04.29
140106 those wanting~ 2022.04.29
140105 문제와 풀이 ...! 좍좍 2022.04.29
140104 접속사 관련 난초 2022.04.29
140103 도와주세요!ㅎㅎ 샤인 2022.04.29
140102 해석좀 해주세요..ㅠㅠ 루리 2022.04.29
140101 delaying launch 가 틀린 표현인가요? 도1도캣 2022.04.29
140100 문법 공부에 대해서~~+ 독해공부 눈솔 2022.04.29
140099 ㅜㅜㅜㅜ이문장 문법설명좀해주세용ㅜㅜㅜ 아리 2022.04.29
140098 국제화시대를 영어로 볼1매그녀 2022.04.29
140097 도치문장해석이요 ~ 2022.04.29
140096 what do you think~~ 큰애 2022.04.29
140095 주어구와 종속접속사 질문드립니다^^ 민트맛캔디 2022.04.29
140094 부사 질문이요~ 니지 2022.04.29
140093 진선여고 부교재인데요. 두 문장에 대한 해석 좀 부탁드립니다. 베레기 2022.04.29
140092 도와주세요~ㅜ 사랑해 2022.04.29
2022-04-29 23:21:20
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