so we would like to request that you stop delivery to our home. 이문장 (2011학년도)
so we would like to request that you to stop to our home. 제가 모르고 이렇게 썻는데 문법적으로만 따져도 틀리죠?..
아 시험이었는데 이문제는 그냥 말이 안돼네요. 이미 내용상 틀려버렸고 ..
children must be taught to perform good deeds for their own sake, not in order to receive stickers, stars, and candy bars.
(이것도 2011학년도) 이 문장을 아래 문장으로 바꿨을 때 문법적으로 오류가 있나요?children must be taught to perform for their own sake good deeds, not in order to receive stickers, stars, and candy bars.
good deeds for their own sake 이부분에서 good deeds 를 for their own sake 뒤로 보낸거죠 ㅇ..
틀렸다면 왜 틀렸는지 좀 알려주세요 ㅠ
댓글 3
2022-04-20 22:26:07