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질문 내용 :
다음 빈칸에 들어갈 표현이 가장 적절하게 연결된 것은?When the man in the line ahead of me at the grocery store realized he was 50 cents short, I offered himsome change. He gratefully accepted it. As the clerk checked my items through, I noticed that she charged me 59 cents for my items I had seen priced at only 9 cents. I mentioned this to her and she sent someone to check. Sure enough, the sign read 9 cents. The 5 in front of the 9 had apparently fallen off. Cheefully the clerk refunded 50 cents to me, saying If you ___(A)____ others, you get ___(B)____.1. help - rewarded 2. thank - valued3. accept - pleased 4. relieve - praised5. irritate - stressed