And on March 31st, the match against New Zealand will take place in Seoul, as the Seoul World Cup Stadium as the KFA continues to spread the venues all around the nation
2022-04-08 23:47:22
And on March 31st, the match against New Zealand will take place in Seoul, as the Seoul World Cup Stadium as the KFA continues to spread the venues all around the nation
And on March 31st, the match against New Zealand will take place in Seoul, as the Seoul World Cup Stadium as the KFA continues to spread the venues all around the nation
그리고 3월 31일 뉴질랜드와의 경기가 서울에서 열릴겁니다 그렇게 서울 월드컵 경기장에서 축구협회가 계속해서 세계에 그 장소를 홍보하는 것과 같이