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질문 내용 :
Development Strategy Our development is also your development by
Gilles Pélisson, Chairman and CEO Accor
By moving from a business model based mainly on hotel ownership to a model that shifts the focus to management and franchise contracts, Accor has transformed itself into a services supplier.
We have made this transition by developing a full-fledged service delivery culture, with the goal of better serving our partners so that we can support and share in each other’s growth.
Today, we are deploying all our energy and expertise to provide you with impeccable service, leveraging our more than 40 years’ experience as a hotel owner. This know-how covers all aspects of hotel operations, including human resources, construction and maintenance, purchasing, management and finance, marketing and sales, technological support, websites and, of course, development and property management.
Moreover, we have a unique brand portfolio that has been expanded and repositioned to cover every segment of the market—from budget to luxury. And, importantly, you can rely on the professionalism and enthusiasm of all our employees around the world.
We invite you to join us in meeting our most ambitious goal ever. Together, let’s build lasting relationships based on profitable partnerships.
Thank you for your confidence.
Gilles C. Pélisson, Chairman and CEO Accor