길길한데, 좀 도와주세요.
부분 부분 적은 것입니다.ㅠㅠpublication charge
the journal has two options for publication
:open access(oa)and conventional.
in oa publishing, authors may choose to pay the oa fee when author proofs are returned so that their paper becomes freely available upon publication in an online issue.
in conventional publishing, authors pay regular page charges and articles become freely available 12 months after publication in an issue.
bill to (must be completed and returned for billing of publication charges even if offprints are not ordered)
*charge to credit card(american express,discover, visa, or mastercard)
*authorized signature:
*or purchase order no.:
*receipt requested (e-mail to)
payment by wire transfer.
wire transfer fee additional $30
offprint orders
with the exception of one- and two-page articles,offprints are produced in multiples of four-page units.
an invoice is mailed to the author when the issue goes to press;shipping charges will be added to all offprint orders.
offprints are mailed to the author approximately 4 weeks after the article is published in an issue of the journal.
there are no gratis offprints.
*quantity of offprints without covers(see price list below)
*shipping instructions(if different than above)너무 길죠?
해석 좀 부탁드릴게요.
색깔 있는 부분도요..ㅠㅠ첨가) 마지막으로 가격 표시 부분이 있는데요.
no. of page 1st additional 100s
1-2 $62 $10
3-4 $80 $10
5-8 . .
9-12 . .
. . .
. 여기서 1st는 첫번째고
addditional 100s 이게 뭐죠???ㅠㅠ