p align=left/pp align=left답변을 얻은 뒤 반드시 감사의 덧글을 남기고, 좋은 답변은 채택해 주시는 센스... /pp align=left질문할 때 예의를 지키시기 바랍니다.(빨리... 고수분만..... 이런 식의 요구는 자제 바랍니다.)/p질문 내용 :
There are five well-known foreshores in the world. They are located in the coasts of the North Sea,
the East coast of Canada, the East coast of the US, the Amazon, and the West Sea of Korea. What is foreshore?
It is the area that is exposed to the air at low tide, and underwater at high tide.
The foreshores are important for the study of ecology. This area may be a narrow part of a sea beach, but
it is usually the home of various marine species.
In the area, there are species that can survive in the wet as well as in the dry conditions.
Also, it has a wide range of species including mussels, crabs and ,many more. The foreshore is researched by
many scientists. They study not only small marine species, but also other animals that eat those marine species.
It is crucial for us to keep the foreshores safe and clean. Currently many things like oil spills and trash are polluting
foreshores, and killing species living in the areas.1. What is the best title for the passage?
1)Species in the Foreshore
2)How the Foreshore is Formed
3)Why People Visit the Foreshore
4)The Importance of the Foreshore2. Which is NOT true according to the passage?
1)Some of the foreshores have narrow beaches.
2)Foreshores are home to various marine species.
3)Many scientists visit foreshores to research.
4)The number of species living in the foreshores decreased drastically.3. Which has the closest meaning to spills?
1)falls 2)drops 3)leaks 4)means
이게 사실 내용을 정확히 잘 모르겠어요.foreshores가 갯벌을 말하는건지 바닷가 파도 사이를 말하는건지...
그리고 3번문제의 답은 1번이 낫겟죠? 사실 3번도 말은 될것 같긴한데..
1번답은 4번이 맞는것 같고 2번답은 .....조금 애매하긴한데...4번??
독해는 그럭저럭하겠는데 문제와 답을 연결해서 보기엔 좀 정확한 답이 아닌듯해서 고민이네요