my direct experience of african nkisi nkondi fetish (a)[states / statues] from loango, in the kongo region, which are bristling with nails, (b)[are / is] that they look quite fierce ─ like a horror-movie monster. this first perception (c)[modified / is modified] when i learn ‘external facts’: that the nails were driven in over time by people to register agreements or seal dispute resolutions. the participants (d)[were asked / were asking] for support for their agreement (with an expectation of punishment if it is violated). such fetish sculptures were considered so powerful (e)[what / that] they were sometimes (f)[kept / keeping] outside of the village. although i may directly perceive that the sculptures embody frightening power, i do not understand their social meaning ㄱ)without understanding additional facts about why and how they were made. original users would find it very odd for a small group of them to be exhibited together in the african art section of a museum.
*fetish 주물, 숭배의 대상
2) ㄱ)without understanding additional facts 의 구체적인 예는?
수능특강 6강 10번문제인데요,
without understanding additional facts 의 구체적인 예가 무엇인가요?ㅠㅠwithout이 붙으니까 더 어렵네요....