질문 내용이 공부에 관한게 아니어서 답변이 안되는지요?
제가 너무 급한 맘에 올렸는데....ㅠㅠ
꼭 답변 부탁 드려요.
제가 해외 구매로 물건을 샀는데,제 실수로 주소를 빠드려서 물건은 못 받고 카드 결제만 됬어요. 그래서 환불 요청 메일을 보냈더니 이렇게 메일이 왔는데, 대강은 알겠는데 정확한 해석을 알고 싶어서 부탁드립니다.
dear valued member,
thank you for taking the time to write to us. we are sorry that your cash back has not yet credited automatically to your account. most orders are automatically credited within 3 days but some take as long as 30 (depending on the speed with which the store processes the transaction).
since we don’t want you to wait for your cash back, we’ve manually credited this order to your account . you can view this cash-back information by clicking my ebates from the main ebates page, then clicking cash pending. at this point, you don’t need to do anything further to receive credit for your order — just be sure to start at ebates.com every time you shop online. please let me know if you need any further assistance.
thank you for using ebates every time you shop online.
꼭 부탁드릴게요!!!!