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수능 특강 입니다. 아래 지문에서 밑줄 친 the entrance 가 어떤것을 가리키는지 애매해서요....

a man was sentenced to death. he was blindfolded and put in a dark cave. he was told that there was a way out of the cave, and if he could find it, he was a free man. the prisoner was allowed to take his blindfold off and roam freely in the darkness. he was to be fed only bread and water for the first 30 days and nothing thereafter. the bread and water were lowered from a small hole in the roof at the south end of the cave. the ceiling was about 18 feet high. the opening was about one foot in diameter. the prisoner could see a faint light only up above. as the prisoner roamed and crawled around the cave, he bumped into rocks. he thought that if he could build a mound of rocks and dirt that was high enough, he could reach the opening and enlarge it enough to crawl through and escape. since he was about six feet, and his reach was another two feet, the mound had to be at least 10 feet high. so the prisoner spent his waking hours picking up rocks and digging up dirt. in two weeks, he built a mound of about six feet. he thought that if he could duplicate that in the next two weeks, he could make it before his food ran out. but as he had already used most of the rocks in the cave, he had to dig harder and harder. after a month had passed, the mound was 9½ feet high and he could almost reach the opening if he jumped. he was almost exhausted. one day just as he thought he could touch the opening, he fell. he was simply too weak to get up, and in two days he died. his captors came to get his body. they rolled away the huge rock that covered the entrance. as the light flooded into the cave, it illuminated an opening in the wall of the cave about three feet in circumference. the opening was the passage to freedom the prisoner had been told about. it was in the south wall directly under the opening in the ceiling. he had so completely focused on the opening of light that it never occurred to him to look for freedom in the darkness. liberation was there all the time right next to the mound he was building, but it was in the darkness.

어려운 지문은 아닙니다만.... 대충 읽어 보셨다면 음식 내려오는 구멍이 있구요, 그리고 나중에 죄수가 죽은 뒤에 차마 발견하지 못한 자유인이 될 수 있는 통로가 하나 있는데요....

제 의견으로는 밑줄 친 the entrance는 그냥 별도로 동굴과 외부를 연결해주는, 시건장치가 되어있는 또 다른 문으로(제 3의 입구로) 봐야 하는게 맞겠죠? 안그럼 글이 어색해지는 기분이 들어서요.... 자유를 주는 통로로 보자니 갑자기 정관서 the 쓴것도 그렇고... 별 중요한건 아닌데 급 궁금해져서요 ㅎㅎebs 이아영 쌤은 entrance하고 입구를 별도로 보고 설명하는거 같고 윤연주 쌤은 그 입구가 자유로 향하는 통로라고 해석하는거 같더라구요;;

글의 흐름을 보시고 파악 부탁드려요... 심심하신 분들 한번 읽어봐 주세요~~

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2022-02-21 11:16:24
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