success for a teacher means motivating students to believe that they are smart and ① helping them develop confidence. my teacher, ms. lewis, did just that. she made me believe that each one of us has a huge pool of potential for success, happiness, and health. it’s ② like a new continent, a world of possibilities waiting to be released toward some great good. she made me realize that every step along the way to achieving a goal ③ is just as important as the last step. it is not the achievement of a goal ④ that is so important; it is what we become in the process that is. today i’m thankful to her for all the values ⑤ what she taught me.
정답은 5번이라고 합니다.
왜 정답은 5번이며 나머지는 맞는 답인지 해설이 궁금합니다.ㅠㅠ 도와주세요!
2022-02-17 01:05:19
Success for a teacher means [motivating students to believe that they are smart] and ① [helping them develop confidence.] and가 이런식으로 연결을 해주고 있구요.
2번은 like이 \~와 같은\의 뜻의 전치사로, \그것은 신대륙과도 같다\
3번은 is 의 주어가 every step(단수)이며
4번은 it ~ that 강조구문입니다.
5번이하의 절은 va