메뉴 건너뛰기

many children in the countryside of bangladesh cannot go to school. often the school is too Ⓐ away from their homes. moreover, during the rainy season, many schools go under water.
due to climate change, the yearly floods are gettingⒷ , and children sometimes cannot go to school for months.
the school boat was a creative solution to these problems. boats were common in the river areas, so people made school boats. the idea was simple: if children can’t go to school, the school will go to ①them.
②the school boats work as school buses and classrooms. ③some take students to schools Ⓒ by. sometimes ④they are classrooms, and students study on ⑤them. thanks to the school boats, many children in the countryside can get an education, even during the rainy season.

20, 위 글의 밑줄 친 1-5중 가리키는 것이 다른 하나는 ? 1번 them

질문 : 아래 빨간글씨로 채워넣은 답이 맞는지요?? 감사드립니다^^~

[서술형주관식2] 빈칸 a-c에 알맞은 말을 아래 보기에서 찾아 쓰시오

보기 ===
wore, near , good, better, far, short, next, long , wide, hotter

many children in the countryside of bangladesh cannot go to school. often the school is too Ⓐ far away from their homes. moreover, during the rainy season, many schools go under water.
due to climate change, the yearly floods are gettingⒷ worse , and children sometimes cannot go to school for months.
the school boat was a creative solution to these problems. boats were common in the river areas, so people made school boats. the idea was simple: if children can’t go to school, the school will go to ①them.
②the school boats work as school buses and classrooms. ③some take students to schools Ⓒ near by. sometimes ④they are classrooms, and students study on ⑤them. thanks to the school boats, many children in the countryside can get an education, even during the rainy season.

서술형주관식3 다음 대화를 읽고 내용이 자연스럽게 빈칸 a, b를 영어로 쓰시오
a : how’s the weather this saturday?
b : i heard that Ⓐ it’ll be sunny this saturday.
(sunny 이용)
a : what will you do this saturday?
b : Ⓑ if the weather(=it is)is sunny, we’ll go on a picnic. .
(if, go on a picnic 이용)

서술형주관식4 아래상자에서 단어를 찾아 문장을 쓰시오
질문: 아래 영작이 맞는지 봐주시겠어요..둘다 맞는건가요??

=== 보기
she . has, no, with, friend, play, to , any , some,l for, not

---그녀는 같이 놀 친구가 없다----
=== she has no friend to play with.
=== she has any friend to play


tim: because our english teacher, mr. davis is going to visit another school today and his class is moved to this thursday.

angela : omg!( Ⓐ )“

서술형주관식5 위의 대화의 빈칸 a에 들어갈 알맞은 문장을 쓰시오.
질문: 아래 영작이 맞느지 봐주시겠어요^^~~ 감사합니다.
--나는 영어숙제를 할 필요가 없었네---
==i didn’t have to do my homwork.

다음 글을 읽고 물음에 답하시오
yesterday , i saw a documentary on tv.
Ⓐ(그것은 환경에 어떠한 해도 끼치지 않고 살려고 노력한 한 남자에 관한 것이었다.) after watching it, i decided to start my own project, “project green kid.”

may 19 no more elevators!
today was my first day as a green kid. i started my first project day by taking the stairs instead of the elevator. i felt great because my small effort saved electricity. the only problem is that my apartment is on the 15th floor. Ⓑ i guess (often, had, go out) ]

may 22 no more leftover food!

today, i finished everything on my lunch plate. was the food great today? not really. i did that because leftover food pollutes the environment. however, there was one little problem. i was sleepy all afternoon.

서술형주관식6 위 글 a의 우리말 뜻을 가진 문장을 주어진 낱말을 이용하여 쓰시오.
보기 === any, doing, was, tried, a man, it , to, to, who, without, environment, harm, the live, about

Ⓐ(그것은 환경에 어떠한 해도 끼치지 않고 살려고 노력한 한 남자에 관한 것이었다.)

정답: it was that about a man who tried to live without any harm to environment . ㅠㅠㅠ.. 꾸벅꾸벅..도와주세요...

서술형주관식7 괄호 안의 낱말에 필요한 낱말을 더하여 글의 흐르밍 자연스럽도록 위 글 Ⓑ 에 알맞은 문장을 쓰시오.

질문 : 만약 영작이 틀렸다면 문법이랑 같이 설명과 함께 고쳐주시겠어요...꾸벅꾸벅.....부탁드리겠습니다...감사드립니다..

--- the only problem is that my apartment is on the 15th floor. Ⓑ i guess (often, had, go out) -----

정답: i guess that i often had to go out.

서술형주관식8 빈칸 a-e에 알맞은 말을 쓰시오
(b~e는 주어진 철자로 시작하는 말을 쓸 것)
yesterday , i saw a documentary on tv.
Ⓐ(그것은 환경에 어떠한 해도 끼치지 않고 살려고 노력한 한 남자에 관한 것이었다.) after watching it, i decided to start my own project, “project green kid.”

may 19 no more elevators!
today was my first day as a green kid. i started my first project day by taking the stairs instead of the elevator. i felt great because my small effort saved electricity. the only problem is that my apartment is on the 15th floor. Ⓑ i guess (often, had, go out) ]

may 22 no more leftover food!

today, i finished everything on my lunch plate. was the food great today? not really. i did that because leftover food pollutes the environment. however, there was one little problem. i was sleepy all afternoon.

질문 : 아래 빨간색으로 쓴 답을 좀 고쳐주시겠어요..설명이 필요하다면 좀 —꾸벅꾸벅---부탁드리겠습니다...감사합니다..^^~~
the writer decided Ⓐ to start a green kid
Ⓑ w ??? helps the environment. on her first project day, she Ⓒ tried the stairs instead of the elevator. on may 22, she didn’t make any leftover food
Ⓓ w as Ⓔ pollute the environment.

질문: 해석을 좀 고쳐주시겠어요—꾸벅꾸벅----^^~~감사드립니다..

may 22 no more leftover food!

today, i finished everything on my lunch plate. was the food great today?
== 오늘 , 나는 내 점심을 다 먹었다. 그거 좋았었니??

not really. i did that because leftover food pollutes the environment.
=== 정말은 그렇지 않았어, 나는 그랬어 왜냐면 남은 음식이 환경을 오염시키잖아

however, there was one little problem. i was sleepy all afternoon.

=== 그러나, 문제가 하나 있었어. 나는 오후 내내 졸렸어...ㅠㅠ


번호 제목 글쓴이 날짜
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2022-02-15 08:16:28
여행오키 | 사업자 등록번호 : 109-86-27241 | 관리 책임자 : 명현재
주소 : 서울시 강서구 화곡동 786-9 탑건 302호 | 문의 : kjs8907@nate.com