어법상 틀린 내용 찾긴데요.timing isan essential ingredient of effective communication. if (1) possible, do not discuss sensitive materswith someone who is tired, worried about other things, or in a bad mood. (2)nor sould you approach someoneabout an important concern unless you have enough time to discuss the matter thoroughly.likewise, give careful thought to (3) where you will be talking. unless it is necessary, do not talk aboutsensitive matters in front of others. try (4)to find a place that is free of such distractions as television, other people,and loud noises. if the person (5)whom you need to talk is likely to be nervous or suspicious, it may be wise to selecta place where he or she will feel relatively secure and comfortable.전 5번이 답인거 같은데요. 뭘로바꿔야 될 지 모르겠어요.다른 사람은 3번이라고 하는데. 전치사 뒤에 where이 관계 부사로 쓰였다구.
근데, 제 생각엔 해석이 어디 정도로 되는 명사절이라고 생각이 되구요.답변 부탁드려요~~~~