두문장만 해석도와주세요!
1.spolied food must be discarded immediately, and a note should be placed on the outside, stating when, why and by whom it was thrown out.
여기서 stating when, why and by whom it was thrown out.이부분이 뭔지 모르겠어요 ㅠㅠ!!2.when individuals complete happiness surveys that use a one to ten scale, those scoring around an eight often tend to fare the best in achievement. why might the eights of the world outperform their friends and neighbors who are nines or tens?
이건 아예 해석이안댕요 ㅠㅠ이정도 수준이면 수능수준보다 낮나요? 하.. 이런것도해석못해서 큰일이네요 ㅠㅠ;
2022-02-08 07:56:29
이정도 수준이 수능보다 낮은건지좀 알려주시지 ㅠㅠ..ㅎㅎ