she called her fundraising project calista cares. it is said that she has volunteered over 3,000 hours since the project started in 2007. she continually inspired her family, friends and others to get more involved (with)and has built a website to make it easy for us to join her.
이 문장에서 with 가 들어가면 틀리나요? with the project 면 정확하겠지만 the project 만 생략하면 틀린가요???
2022-02-05 08:02:13
(her family = 목적어), [friends and others to get more involved = 목적격보어] → 5형식구조
* 5형식구조에서 목적어와 목보는 주어+동사의 관계이므로, 위문장을 풀어쓰면 ;
→ her family, friends and others [got more involved = 수동태는 일종의 자동사] .. 이므로 자동사는 목적어를 못취하고, 오직 부사(구)만 추가로 취할수 있으며 .. \전치사 + 명사 = 부사