i grew up in north america and always went to supermarkets for grocery shopping. when i moved to italy, i was amazed that many italians shop each day at markets. in canada, i had grown up in a house with a large refrigerator and freezer. i was surprised to find that most italian households had miniscule fridges. this is another reason that italians grocery shop more frequently. daily shopping places an emphasis on wheat and unseasonable products, which is reflected in regional italian cuisine. in italy, it would be nearly unthinkable to eat asparagus in october. i started to appreciate the seasons that i found on my plate and i really enjoyed the fact that not all produce was available year-round like at home. eating strawberries became an early summer celebration. i ate as many berries as i could, knowing they would not last long at the market stalls.
위문장의 another reason 은 소형냉장고가 있어 식료품을 자주 사러간다는 말인데 그럼 첫번째 이유는 무엇인가요? 또 여기서 이유는 주체는 식료품을 자주 사러가는 것인가요?
줄친문장이 여기에 들어가야하는 당위성을 알려주세요?