다음 글의 주제로 가장 적절한 것은?
poetry moves us to sympathize with the emotions of the poet himself or with those of the persons whom his imagination has created . We withess their struggles, triumphs and failures. We feel their loves and losses, their joys and sorrows, hopes and tears, somewhat as if they were our own. Though we sometimes suffer along with their anxleties and sorrows, we recelve a pleasure from the experience . Poetry provides us with what is missing in our own lives - the experience of imaginative pleasure. That is why we appreciate poetry in everyday life.
1. 시 창작의 즐거움
2. 시 창작의 요령
3. 시 창작의 중요성
4. 시적 상상력의 중요성
5. 시 습작의 즐거움과 어려움
- 수능기출문제인데요.
4번으로 했다가 틀렸거든요?ㅠ
왜 1번이 답이 되는지 논리적으로 설명해주심 ㄳ ^^
댓글 2
2022-01-30 00:59:27
중심이 되는 문구 두개, (1) we receive a pleasure from the experience. (2) the experience of imaginative pleasure 를 보면 역시 시에서 우리가 얻는 즐거움이겠죠?