요번주가 기말고사 기간인데요,,,오늘 기말고사를 봤어요,, 그런데 한 문제에 대해서 질문 좀 하려고 합니다 ㅜ,문제는 이거에요ㅎ,.(고1 6월 모의고사에도 나왔던 문제입니다)some people see something happen in a dream and then experience the same thing later in real life. Immediately after the Titanic sank in the Atlantic Ocean, there were at least two dozen reports of people who canceled their trip because of predictive dreams they had about the sinking. No one knows how many had the same warning and ignored it, going to a death they could have avoided. There was on businessman that had the same predictive dream three times and chose to ignore the warning. He still intended to make the trip until a sudden turn in business forced him to give it up.① How to be a successful businessman② The amazing power of predictive dreams③ Dream and superstitious people④ Dilemma of whether or not to follow dreams⑤ The destiny of the Titanic passengers저는 답을 2번이라고 했습니다..저희 반 대다수 애들도 2번이라 해서 맞은 줄 알았는데답은 4번였어요 ㅜ,여기서 질문하고 싶은것은요,, 정답이 4번에 가깝다면 왜 그런지가 알고싶어요,,,그리고 혹시 답이 4번밖에 될 게 없다고 해도 2번도 맞다고 할 수있게 선생님께 논리적으로 우길수 있는 방법이 혹시 있으면 알려주세요,,,,ㅎ
4번이 나은 듯한 -_-;;;
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