1.A cartoon, in fine art terms, is a drawing on paper conceived as a plan for a painting.
2.During the Renaissance (14th to 17th century) in Italy, the custom arose of decorating wall surface with frescoes.
3.This gave rise to the use or full-size sketches constructed on paper as guidelines for the artist.꼭해주세요~~~~~감사합니다~~~
댓글 3
During the Renaissance (14th to 17th century) in Italy, the custom arose of decorating wall surface with frescoes.
이태리 문예부흥기동안에 프레스코로 벽을 장식하는것과 관련된 관습이 생겨났다. -
3.This gave rise to the use or full-size sketches constructed on paper as guidelines for the artist.
이것은 미술가를 위한 지침으로 종이 위에 그려진 사용법 혹은 표준크기의 스케치를 가져왔다.
2022-01-23 17:12:39
1.A cartoon, in fine art terms, is a drawing on paper conceived as a plan for a painting.
미술적인 면에서 밑그림은 그림을 위한 계획으로 간주되는 종이위의 데생/스케치이다.