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질문 내용 :
Investigator the set about determining how a fully-clad diver ended up in the middle of a forest fire.-부드런해석부탁이요Light administers a signal to the brain telling it when to wake up and when to sleep.-it이 뭐죠??무엇을 나타내죠?I take time to unwind before going to bed.You need time to let your body clock wind down before going to sleep.-부드런해석과 unwind와 wind 뜻 알려주세요The paintings served as the centerpiece of massive U.S war bond drive and helped to explain the goals of the war.부드런해석,bond drive?The contents of posters represent the characteristics of the periods from which they come and the underlying aspects society.부드런해석Each morning he would put a sign over the display counter.부드런해석