for if science is simply a method or an attitude , so that anyone whose thought -processes are rational can be described as a scientist.
여기서 for 는 뭐죠 ?
왜 쓰였죠 ?
해석은 그냥 가정법인 데..for는 왜 들어가 있어요 ?
2022-01-16 03:10:39
for if science is simply a method or an attitude , so that anyone whose thought -processes are rational can be described as a scientist.
여기서 for 는 뭐죠 ?
왜 쓰였죠 ?
해석은 그냥 가정법인 데..for는 왜 들어가 있어요 ?
그럼 ~ 때문에라는 뜻인가요 ? 그럼 s0 that 은 필요 없지 나요 ?