1) There could be more firm location and investment in a high amenity region because owners and mangers of enterprises prefer to locate and work in high amenity areas;
2) High skilled professional and technical personnel, who typically are mobile and have numerous choices about where they work, will prefer high amenity areas. This will attract firm location and investment drawn by the presence of high skilled labor in their industry and in a more diverse industry base. A thick labor market of talented personnel increases the probability of enjoying the external economies of agglomeration thought to be especially crucial to new economy industries;
3) Areas with quality amenities and unique qualities of place will attract tourism. Tourism is a rapidly growing and income elastic sector that attracts income fromoutside the region and operates
like an export base industry.영어공부를 하다가 이단락에서 막히네요 ㅠ 도움 부탁드립니다.