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제가 해보다가 도저히 안되서 올립니다. 도와주세요《polyculture》
for thousands of years, humans have tried to learn better ways to grow the crops that feed billions of people.
수천 년 동안 인간은 수십억의 사람들을 먹여살릴려고 작물을 더 나은 방법으로 기르기 위해 배울려고 노력해왔다.

since land space is limited, farmers need to be as efficient as possible with their fields.
랜드(땅)공간이 제한되어있기 때문에 농부들은

on the other hand, poor farming techniques can deplete nutrients from the soil and damage the ecosystem.
반면에 열악한 농업기술은 토양과 생태계로부터 영양분을 감소 시킬수 있다.

harmful agricultural methods and chemicals like fertilizers can poison the water or result in soil erosion.
해로운 농업 방법(기술)과 비료와 같은 화학은 독극물 또는 토양침식의 결과를 낳는다.

due to these drawbacks, people are looking for more sustainable ways to grow crops.
이러한 문제점 때문에 사람들은 농작물이 좀 더 오랫동안 잘 자랄수 있도록 방법을 찾고 있다.

one possible solutions is polyculture.
하나의 가능한 해결책이 복합경작이다.
this method is dramatically different from standard modern agriculture.
이 방법은 일반적인 현대의 농업과는 다르게 극적이다.

it involves raising more than one type of crop in the same place at the same time.

for instance, a farmer may cultivate corn, beans, and potatoes in a single field.

after all, in nature, numerous plants grow alongside one another.
by using polyculture, farmers can imitate this practice.

polyculture can prevent diseases and insects from spreading so easily.

this is because various plants mature at different times.

as a result, farmers can use fewer chemical pesticides.
그결과 농부들은 화화농약(살충제)을 보다 적게 사용할수 있다.

in addition, some plants add nutrients to the soil, while others remove them.
planting a balances number of each plant will, therfore, help keep the soil from being depleted of nutrients,

while polyculture has not caught on with commercial farmers yet, growing problems with monoculture make it likely that more of them will be employing it in the future.

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2022-01-07 18:27:38
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