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답변을 얻은 뒤 반드시 감사의 덧글을 남기고, 좋은 답변은 채택해 주시는 센스...
질문할 때 예의를 지키시기 바랍니다.(빨리... 고수분만..... 이런 식의 요구는 자제 바랍니다.)
질문 내용 :

36.The vuvuzela was originally made from an animal horn. In the ancient days, it used/was used to gather people. Over the last 15 years, the sight and sound of the instrument being blown at games has been evolved/has evolved into a symbol of hope and unity for many South Africans. The vuvuzela introduced/was introduced to the world on May 15, 2004, when it announced/was announced that the nation would host the 2010 FIFA World Cup.

38.The point is that it takes many adjustments to bring the object/subject into focus. If you want to look at something else, the process starts again.
- 둘 다 사물인데,, 어떻게subject가 답 인줄 알죠?40. 글의 흐름으로 보아, 주어진 문장이 들어가기에 가장 적절한 곳은?
But the famous inventor Thomas Edison (1847-1931) had a better idea.
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In the early days of the telephone, people didn’t like the idea of picking up a strange electric instrument and talking to a total stranger. ( ① ) They were also confused ( Ⓐ )to what they might use
( Ⓐ ) a standard greeting at the beginning of a conversation. ( ② ) Alexander Graham Bell (1847-1922), who invented the telephone, suggested that people had used/use the nautical term “Ahoy” to greet someone at the other end of the line. ( ③ ) He coined a brand-new word: “hello.” ( ④ ) The term first was appeared/ appeared in American literature in 1880 when Mark Twain described the first telephone operato( Ⓐ ) “hello girls.” ( ⑤ ) In 1883, the new word was published in the Oxford English Dictionary for the first time. *nautical: 항해[항공]의, 선박의

We only have control over what we do with the opportunities when Ⓓthey happen, and how we prepare for Ⓔthem. So don’t sit back waiting for luck happening/to happen.

46-48 지문

Once, a consultant was returning home by train from a tiring business trip. It was late in the evening, and (a)he tried to sleep. Some passengers were reading newspapers, the others/others were finishing supper, and still others were resting with their eyes closing/closed.
The consultant found it difficult not to feel angry. (b)He could not believe that a father could be so rude as to let his children running/run wild like that and do nothing about Ⓐit, taking no responsibility at all. It was also very clear that everyat everyone else in the car was equally angry. Finally, (c)he turned to the man next to him and said, “Sir, your children are really disturbing a lot of people. I wonder that/what/if you couldn’t control them a little more?”
The man lifted his eyes as if he became aware of the situation for the first time and said softly, “Oh, you’re right. I guess I should do something about it. They just came from the hospital which/where their mother died about an hour ago. I don’t know what to think, and I guess they don’t know how to handle it either.” The consultant’s feeling changed. Suddenly, (d)he saw things in a completely different light. His behavior changed very much. His anger disappeared. His heart was filled with a feeling of sympathy. Everything changed in an constant/instant.
At the next station, a middle-aged man entered the car with his three kids. The children were such/so noisy and ill-behaved that they disturbed the entire car. The father sat down next to the consultant and closed his eyes, as if ignorant of the chaos caused by his kids. The children were shouting at each other, throwing things, even taking away newspapers from people. And yet, (e)he did nothing.

급해서 그러는데 부탁드립니다. 자세한 문법설명 해주시면 정말 감사하겠습니다.

번호 제목 글쓴이 날짜
157051 present 뜻! new PinkPearl 2024.11.14
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157049 뒷선반 커버 탈거 방법 문의 드립니다. new 티나 2024.11.14
157048 Help me ^.^ new 슬아라 2024.11.14
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2022-08-11 16:12:04
여행오키 | 사업자 등록번호 : 109-86-27241 | 관리 책임자 : 명현재
주소 : 서울시 강서구 화곡동 786-9 탑건 302호 | 문의 : kjs8907@nate.com