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질문에 대한 답변을 얻은 뒤 감사의 덧글을 남기고, 자신의 게시글을 삭제하지 마십시오.
질문할 때 예의를 지키시기 바랍니다.(빨리... 고수분만..... 이런 식의 요구는 자제해 주세요.)

질문 내용 :

★ 주관식11 What do the telescope and the camera move to compensate For?1)
( ) One such system involves comparing the period of dimming and brightening of th light from a star with its general brightness. The fact that there is a relationship between these two effects and the distance of the star from the earth was discovered by accident in 1912 by Henrietta Leavitt. Using this system, astronomers have measured stars that are as far away as 150,000 light-years This is 150,000 times 6,000,000,000,000 miles away!
In order to gather further information about heavenly bodies, an astronomer uses telescopes and many other instruments. Sometimes an astronomer uses a special camera to photograph the heavens.
The telescope and the camera are driven by motors to automatically follow the stars as they appear to move across the heavens. Most of the stars in the sky are still father away than that, and astronomers use their systems to figure out their distances. In reality, the telescope and the camera move to compensate for the rotation of the earth.
Often an astronomers examines the light from a star through an instrument called a spectroscope.
This is an instrument that breaks down light into colors. Each chemical element gives off light of a characteristic color when its burns. By examining the color of the light from a star, the astronomer can learn something about its chemical composition, atmosphere, speed, etc.
Recently, astronomers have been examining the sky with radio telescopes. With these telescopes, astronomers are finding out many new facts about the heavens. These instruments gather invisible radiation from sky because of their specially designed antennas. 1). 지구의 자전

질문이 망원경과 카메라는 상쇄하기위해 어떻게 움직여야하나요?
이거 아닌가요??

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2022-08-01 00:11:58
여행오키 | 사업자 등록번호 : 109-86-27241 | 관리 책임자 : 명현재
주소 : 서울시 강서구 화곡동 786-9 탑건 302호 | 문의 : kjs8907@nate.com