안녕하세요~독해질문 3개만 할께요.^^;
1. Digestion is a very energy-consuming process and eation heavy food right before bed is going to cause the body to divert a great deal of blood to your stomach,~
밑줄친부분해석을 상당한 양의 피? 라고 해야하나요...;;
2. Your best bet is to consume a light snack with some carbohydrates in it before you sleep.
이 문장 좀 끊어주세요ㅠㅠ. in;;;
3. I told him not to wear it to school because kids there were getting their hats stolen.
밑줄친부분. kids (there were) 학교에 있는 아이들? 이 되는건가요?; 알려주세요^^*
2022-07-12 05:47:20
2. Your best bet is / to consume a light snack with some carbohydrates in it / before you sleep
(그안에) 약간의 탄수화물만을 가진 가벼운 스낵 : it은 스낵을 대신한말
3. Kids (there) were getting : 거기 아이들이 모자를 도둑맞고있다