the graph above shows the result of a recent survey in which more than 40,000 museum visitors of different age groups were asked how they prefer to experience museums. throughout all the age groups, audio tours are most preferred, followed by video clips, and then by computer interactions. compared to respondents in their 30s, respondents in their 60s are more than twice as likely to prefer audio tours.밑줄친 부분이 이해가 안가서 질문드립니다. 문법적으로 가능한 문장인가요?
2022-06-30 18:19:40
네가능합니다 모바일로답변하는거라문장이랑같이안보이니양해바랍니다 비교구문에서 as 나than뒤에 나오는 비교대상이명확할때는생략하는경우가많습니다 위에서언급한 audio말고 다른대상이랑비교했다고보는게맞겠네요