actors sometimes jump at the chance to play a huge response to some big news. one character says to another, “you just won a million dollars!” and the actor immediately jumps up and down and yells about winning a million dollars. but what would a person do? stanislavski, a famous russian theater director, spoke of reflective delay. it often takes time for a person to process information― whether it’s very good or very bad. think back to a time in your life when some big news was delivered. what did you do? did you immediately jump up and down, scream with joy or pain? or did you just sit down for a moment, saying nothing? how long did it take to really understand that you won that award before you responded? be a person. don’t just go for emotion or the obvious response.
저는 이 글의 요지가 배우가 연기할때 성찰적 지연을 통해서 일반적인 사람(a persons) 처럼 반응하라고 가르쳤는데요.
대학 다닐때 스타니슬라브스키에 대해서 읽어 본적이 있어서, 이를 인용한 것 보고서 당연히 연기에 대해서 쓴 글이라고
생각했는데.... 제가 잡은 요지가 틀렸다고 이야기 하는 것 보고, 아무래도 아닌거 같아서 황인영 영어오키에 도움을
요청합니다. 제가 요지를 잘 못 잡았나요?