※ 질문하기질문내용글의 흐름과 관계가 없는 문장을 고르면?
① While most people said they were more relaxed while watching television than they had been before starting to watch it, they ended up feelings far less relaxed once they stopped. ② When people were prevented from televsion viewing, they became rather more anxious and depressed.
③ We found no evidence that televsion offers emotional reward that extend beyond viewing, Dr. Kbey said. ④ Moreover, the longer people watch television, the less rewarding they find it, the intensive study of 107 people showed. ⑤ These experiences with television were strongest among the viewers who spent most of their time watching television.답은 2번입니다.
근데 1번문장을 해석을 못하겠어요
답이 왜 2번인지도 잘 몰겠구요,,다 TV에 관한 내용이라 비슷비슷하지 않나요?
2022-06-07 11:40:16
대다수의 사람들은 TV를 시청하기 전보다 TV를 보고 있으면 마음이 더 편안해 진다고 말하지만
일단 TV를 시청하다가 중단하면 결국에는 TV를 보기 전보다 훨씬 더 불안해 했다.