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그러므로 학점을 잘주는과목, 쉬운과목, 교수가 좋아서 등은 나의 교과목 선택하는 기준이 아니다.
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위의 말들을 표현해보려고 영작해 봤는 데 내가봐도 말이 않되는거 같내요
고수님들께서 한수 지도 해 주세요
Before choosing elective courses, what should you consider?
Let me explain to my experienceThe diploma is not my goaltherefore not much work to do, It is lecture-vased course, like the professor is not a criterion.To begin with, Checking the lessons goal and lessons exposition in lecture plan.Considers the following conditions and selects. Firstwill a lecture contents become help to me? secondAbility of professor.thirdAppropriateness to my level