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조금 염치없어보일지모르겠지만...부탁드리겠습니다.

Park plans return in less than a year

Meeting the Korean press for the first time since knee surgery last month, Park Ji-sung of the Manchester United soccer team said his rehabilitation may not take as long as some media reports had estimated.

“My doctor told me the surgery went well,” said Park, who entered the press conference in Seoul on crutches. “It’s hard to say just how long the rehab will take and when I can get back into playing shape, but I can assure you the rehab will not take a year.”

After the operation on April 28, Park has been undergoing a regimen prepared by Manchester United, his English Premier League club. Park has done light stretching, and the team’s medical staff will later determine his workout schedule.

“To be honest, I hate going through rehab exercises,” Park said. “But I understand it’s something I have to do to get back on the pitch and play the game I love.”

And after a full recovery, Park said he will begin working to improve his game.

And after a full recovery, Park said he will begin working to improve his game.

“I will always have areas to improve until the day I retire,” he said. “I tried to be more aggressive this season than the last, and I was happy with the results. But I need to get better in all aspects of the game.”

Asked to evaluate this past season, during which he scored five goals in 14 matches as Man. U. won the league championship, Park said he had mixed feelings.

“I was injured, recovered, played a few games, and got hurt again,” he said. “It wasn’t that great of a season for me. On the other hand, when I did play, I think I was better than last year, and our team won the league title. That was pretty gratifying.”

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2022-06-03 20:45:15
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