1.out of 108 proposed bills or law revisions that came up before the national assembly’s legislation and judiciary committee yesterday, the financial industry’s eyes were fixed on just two.
108개의 상정된 법안 혹은 법 개정은 어제 법사위 ..전에 나타났고, 금융분야 ??
2. one, provisionally called the “act on special measures for relief of nonperforming savings banks’ victims,” is a bill that seeks to compensate customers who had more than 50 million won ($44,300) deposited in savings banks suspended after september 2008 for 55 percent of their losses. a lower level of compensation would be given to subordinated bond holders of the banks, all coming from the nation’s deposit insurance fund.
하나, 임시로 “저축은행 피해자 구제법”불리는 이 사안은 2008년 9월 이후 정지된 저축은행에 돈을 5000만원 이상 예금한 고객들에게 보상을 받게 해주는 것이다.국가의 예금보호기구에 의해서, 낮은 보상이 은행에 종속된 채권소유자에게 주어지게 될 것이다.
-해석 맞나요..ㅜㅜ? 밑줄 친 거는 무슨 뜻이죠,,?앞뒤문맥을 따졌을 때..
3. 102.5 billion won
- 이거 얼마에요..ㅜㅜ??
4. meanwhile, a proposed revision of the specialized credit financial business act that would give the fsc, instead of the free market, the power to determine credit card transaction fees for small businesses, was passed on for a main parliamentary vote yesterday. 실질적으로 질문은 1번,4번 만 좀 해석 부탁드려요..