또올리네요 ㅎㅎ
For the past week I have found myself spending a lot of time wandering through the house, looking at our basketball, his running shoes, and old holiday snapshots, and thought about the carelessly discarded yesterdays they represent.
In fact, it is quite rare to find an employee that retires from the company he or she started to work for right out of college.
Long, hard-to-read thank-you notes create more frustration than good will.
The clink of china and silver will (be heard/hear) on occasion.부탁드려요 !
2022-05-30 01:56:39
thought about the carelessly discarded yesterdays they represent: 그 들(추억물들)이 상징하고 있는 아무렇게나 내팽개쳐진 지난날에 대해 생각했다.
right out of college: 대학 졸업하자 마자
Long, hard-to-read thank-you notes create more frustration than good will: 길고 읽기 어려운 감사 카드가 선의보다도 더 난감하다.