22. Many languages spoken today, including English, can be traced back to the Indo-European language. Indo-European is not a recorded language, but is thought to be the root for many different languages, including the Greek and Latin families. The people who spoke Indo-European lived over 6000 years ago. Where they lived is not certain, but a reasonable guess is northeast of ancient Mesopotamia. These people gradually split and migrated. As the people moved outward, their lanuage evolved into the various languages we know today.
Q. What is the best title for the passage?
a.How Languages Change
b. The Origin of Some Modern Languages
c. The History of Latin and Greek
d. The Migration of Ancient Peoples
잘모르겠네요 ㅜㅜㅜ
댓글 3
2022-05-29 19:24:09
b 번이 답인 것 같네요. 영어를 포함한 많은 언어를 거슬러 올라가 본다는 말이 있구요 그 언어가 Indo-European
이라는 군요. 그 지방의 사람들이 이주해서 오늘날 우리가 아는 다양한 언어로 진화되었다는 내용
이므로 b번이 답인 듯하네요~^^