1. It might be fixed up abd [give/given] to someone else who can use it
2. Two men had unload a couple of large boxes from the back and [drive/drieven] off quickly
3. No one can doubt that if it is duty of men and women to think not of
their own interests, but [of the/the] interests of those who are dependent on them
4. The population of korea is smallar than [those/that] of japan
2022-05-26 10:43:36
1~3번은 각각 등위/상관 접속사를 기준으로 좌/우에 같은 단어(병렬구조parallel)를 배치해 놓아야 되겠지요? 각각 1.be fixed and (be) given, 2. unload and drive off, 3.think not of ~ but of ~